Mosquito Scott provides mosquito and pest control services for both residential and commercial customers in the Greater Houston area. Our skilled and experienced team are ready to tackle any of your mosquito or pest problems including rodent and wildlife removal. We offer mosquito control through mosquito fogging and automated mosquito misting systems
Gotcha Pest Control provides professional, guaranteed service. Regular Quarterly services are recommended to protect your investment from pest infestation. These treatments are applied to the exterior of your home, preventing pests from re-entering. We will treat the interior when necessary. Many people aren't aware of the important role bees play in
Mosquitoes are well known because of their pesky biting habit. Of greater concern, is the fact that they are vectors of numerous human diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis. Mosquitoes have adapted to almost every kind of aquatic situation such as permanent ponds and marshes, drainage ditches, and water standing in containers. My father